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The Rodef Shalom Disability and  Inclusion Committee strives to ensure that Rodef Shalom is inclusive of individuals of all abilities, that these individuals feel a sense of belonging, and that these individuals and their families can comfortably and fully participate in religious and communal life. When we speak of ‘disability’, we are speaking of individuals with a wide range of differing abilities and needs- i.e. those with both visible and invisible disabilities- including but not limited to individuals with physical, intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental health challenges, learning differences, severe food allergies, accident, trauma or illness related disabilities, and those encountering challenges of aging.

Rodef Shalom is proud to partner with Jewish Family Service of Colorado Jewish Disabilities Advocates to create disability awareness, promote inclusion, and ensure Jews with disabilities and their families can participate fully in a rich Jewish life. Our Disability Awareness and Inclusion Committee works closely with the JFS Jewish Disabilities Advocates Advisor to address structural changes, policies and practices, and community awareness and engagement designed to further inclusion.

We want the community to be aware of the following accommodations that are currently available at Congregation Rodef Shalom:

Access to the Building:Top of Form

  • We have several handicap designated parking spots in our lot.
  • There is a ramp from the parking lot to the sanctuary entrance on the south west entrance to the building. This handicap accessible entrance is open on Shabbat.
  • During the week, the garden path from the sanctuary entrance leads to the office entrance. You can ring the doorbell and a staff person will assist you.
  • There is a mezuzah at wheelchair height at our entrances.

In the Sanctuary:

  • There is a ramp leading up to the Bimah for those who are unable to navigate the stairs and we have accessible seating areas for individuals with wheelchairs and walkers and those who attend with them.


  •  We strive to have gluten free and vegan food options at Kiddush and other programs.
    Labels such as gluten free or dairy free are provided beside the foods. Ingredients are not listed.
  • We share tips for inclusion to our members throughout the year and at special holidays like Passover.
  • During February, we recognize JDAIM, Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month, and provide programs for our youth and present speakers from the pulpit on Shabbat.

Available to all:

  • We have assistive hearing devices to enhance sound, ear plugs if you wish to lower the sound (disposable), magnifiers to help with the small print in the prayer books and large print prayer books.
  • There is a wheelchair, if needed. If assistance is needed with access to the building or with assistance with wheelchairs, ask for help at the door you will need to enter. Usually there will be someone to help at services or someone from the office.
  • There is signage related to bathroom facilities, the infant room, and preschool classrooms in Braille and English.
  • All gender bathroom.
  •  Services are available on streaming.
  • If special seating is needed, it will be provided. 

Preschool and R•School (our youth education program)

Whenever possible, we strive to meet the needs of all of our children.  Parents are encouraged to share any special needs their children might have with Dawn Spector, Director of Early Childhood Education & Programs or Rabbi Carrie Benveniste, Director of Congregational Learning.

If you or a family member have specific concerns regarding your or your family members’ ability to participate in a specific Rodef Shalom program or activity, please contact Amy Berkowitz Caplan: Executive Director or 303.399.0035.

The Rodef Shalom Disability Awareness and Inclusion Committee meets monthly.  Contact Bonnie Merenstein or Janet Smith if you would like to get involved.


Anyone having events at Rodef must refer to the Event Planning Checklist. It covers everything!

Event Planning Checklist for Accessibility


Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784