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Rodef Shalom Annual Day of Giving 

Who We Are: Year In Review


Join us for Shabbat!

We love having guests join us at Rodef Shalom. Before visiting, please call our office at 303.399.0035 to register to attend services. All guests are required to register in advance of attending services for the first time.  Please call before noon on Friday to attend services on Shabbat morning. We look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful community!


Welcome to Congregation Rodef Shalom! We are a vibrant and growing egalitarian community located in Denver, Colorado. 

We are dreamers.  We are seekers. We are community organizers. We are spiritual activists. 

We are a diverse community. We love to learn, socialize, sing, pray, laugh, eat, dance, help, build, celebrate, comfort, inspire, and grow.

We are committed to animating the Jewish American experience through deep prayer, impactful learning, radically inclusive community, and dedicated social activism.

Some of us were born Jewish. Some of us came to Judaism later in life. Some of us grew up in observant homes. Some of us grew up not knowing one Hebrew letter. All of us have gathered at Rodef yearning to find meaning and community, to connect with traditional forms of spirituality, and to be inspired by the riches of Jewish wisdom. We use the energy we find in our Jewish community to help us work to fix the brokenness in our wider world.

We offer song-filled prayer services and dynamic Shabbat gatherings, young family programming, an innovative religious school, a child-centered preschool, young adult hang-outs, programs for adults over 55, social activism and community organizing, musical gatherings, USY teen events, adult education, and the best kiddush lunch in town.

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785